As a studio artist using multiple media, I explore misogyny within the context of
evangelical Christian doctrines and traditions. I investigate the violation of bodily autonomy
within the bible, and highlight the subjectivity of the female body as a property value through the
use of scripture and text based artworks. Some overlapping themes include religious trauma,
domestication, submission, and virginity. The intertwining of topics allows me to share my lived
experience, and ignite conversation into certain religious doctrines that simultaneously live
among cultural and political lines.
Concentrating on ‘holy’ scripture, my art varies through domestic materiality and includes
crocheted textiles, oil paintings, installation with mixed media, and textured abstract
expressions. With distinct intention to create a reflectively somber atmosphere, the media and
disciplines are a reduced color palette, methodically chosen to emphasize conceptual
quietness, solitude, and discomfort. The processes and techniques of making are vital to each
piece, and provide additional layers of purpose, interest, and intent.
Domestic materials and crocheting provides an outlet into sharing written words and text
emphasizing the patriarchal structured world of the bible. I choose crochet as both a meditative
practice, and a state of internal reconciliation. Painting in oil allows me to focus on realistic
imagery. Monochromatic grayscale self portraits lean toward a documentary imagination and
self reflection as a descendant of the biblical Eve. Mixed media and installation works are made
with found objects, while also introducing a circular pattern that is reminiscent of meditation and
repetition through text based materials. The creation of textured abstract expressions reflect
emotional and spiritual states of being. I use more domestic items like eggshells and joint
compounds as representations of gender expressions. A wide range of materials gives space to
reflect on the many facets in which religion and doctrine can manipulate and control people.
evangelical Christian doctrines and traditions. I investigate the violation of bodily autonomy
within the bible, and highlight the subjectivity of the female body as a property value through the
use of scripture and text based artworks. Some overlapping themes include religious trauma,
domestication, submission, and virginity. The intertwining of topics allows me to share my lived
experience, and ignite conversation into certain religious doctrines that simultaneously live
among cultural and political lines.
Concentrating on ‘holy’ scripture, my art varies through domestic materiality and includes
crocheted textiles, oil paintings, installation with mixed media, and textured abstract
expressions. With distinct intention to create a reflectively somber atmosphere, the media and
disciplines are a reduced color palette, methodically chosen to emphasize conceptual
quietness, solitude, and discomfort. The processes and techniques of making are vital to each
piece, and provide additional layers of purpose, interest, and intent.
Domestic materials and crocheting provides an outlet into sharing written words and text
emphasizing the patriarchal structured world of the bible. I choose crochet as both a meditative
practice, and a state of internal reconciliation. Painting in oil allows me to focus on realistic
imagery. Monochromatic grayscale self portraits lean toward a documentary imagination and
self reflection as a descendant of the biblical Eve. Mixed media and installation works are made
with found objects, while also introducing a circular pattern that is reminiscent of meditation and
repetition through text based materials. The creation of textured abstract expressions reflect
emotional and spiritual states of being. I use more domestic items like eggshells and joint
compounds as representations of gender expressions. A wide range of materials gives space to
reflect on the many facets in which religion and doctrine can manipulate and control people.